sotanishy's competitive programming library

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:heavy_check_mark: k-d Tree


k-d 木は,$k$ 次元空間の点を保持し,効率的に範囲探索を行うデータ構造である.この実装は2次元空間の長方形領域の探索を提供する.

空間計算量: $O(n)$



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#pragma once
#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>
#include <vector>

template <typename T>
class KDTree {
    void add_point(int id, T x, T y) { points.emplace_back(id, x, y); }

    void build() { build(0, points.size() - 1, 0); }

    std::vector<int> search(T sx, T tx, T sy, T ty) const {
        Point s(std::min(sx, tx), std::min(sy, ty));
        Point t(std::max(sx, tx), std::max(sy, ty));
        std::vector<int> res;
        search(s, t, res, 0, points.size() - 1, 0);
        return res;

    struct Point {
        int id;
        T x, y;
        Point(T x, T y) : x(x), y(y) {}
        Point(int id, T x, T y) : id(id), x(x), y(y) {}

    std::vector<Point> points;

    int check_position(const Point& p, const Point& s, const Point& t,
                       bool axis) const {
        if (axis == 0) {
            if (p.x < s.x) return -1;
            if (t.x < p.x) return 1;
            return 0;
        } else {
            if (p.y < s.y) return -1;
            if (t.y < p.y) return 1;
            return 0;

    void build(int l, int r, bool axis) {
        if (l > r) return;
        std::ranges::sort(points.begin() + l, points.begin() + r + 1, {},
                          [&](auto& p) { return axis == 0 ? p.x : p.y; });
        int m = std::midpoint(l, r);
        build(l, m - 1, axis ^ 1);
        build(m + 1, r, axis ^ 1);

    void search(const Point& s, const Point& t, std::vector<int>& res, int l,
                int r, bool axis) const {
        if (l > r) return;
        int m = std::midpoint(l, r);
        bool contained = true;
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
            contained &= check_position(points[m], s, t, i) == 0;
        if (contained) res.push_back(points[m].id);
        if (l == r) return;
        int pos = check_position(points[m], s, t, axis);
        if (pos != -1) search(s, t, res, l, m - 1, axis ^ 1);
        if (pos != 1) search(s, t, res, m + 1, r, axis ^ 1);
#line 2 "data-structure/kd_tree.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>
#include <vector>

template <typename T>
class KDTree {
    void add_point(int id, T x, T y) { points.emplace_back(id, x, y); }

    void build() { build(0, points.size() - 1, 0); }

    std::vector<int> search(T sx, T tx, T sy, T ty) const {
        Point s(std::min(sx, tx), std::min(sy, ty));
        Point t(std::max(sx, tx), std::max(sy, ty));
        std::vector<int> res;
        search(s, t, res, 0, points.size() - 1, 0);
        return res;

    struct Point {
        int id;
        T x, y;
        Point(T x, T y) : x(x), y(y) {}
        Point(int id, T x, T y) : id(id), x(x), y(y) {}

    std::vector<Point> points;

    int check_position(const Point& p, const Point& s, const Point& t,
                       bool axis) const {
        if (axis == 0) {
            if (p.x < s.x) return -1;
            if (t.x < p.x) return 1;
            return 0;
        } else {
            if (p.y < s.y) return -1;
            if (t.y < p.y) return 1;
            return 0;

    void build(int l, int r, bool axis) {
        if (l > r) return;
        std::ranges::sort(points.begin() + l, points.begin() + r + 1, {},
                          [&](auto& p) { return axis == 0 ? p.x : p.y; });
        int m = std::midpoint(l, r);
        build(l, m - 1, axis ^ 1);
        build(m + 1, r, axis ^ 1);

    void search(const Point& s, const Point& t, std::vector<int>& res, int l,
                int r, bool axis) const {
        if (l > r) return;
        int m = std::midpoint(l, r);
        bool contained = true;
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
            contained &= check_position(points[m], s, t, i) == 0;
        if (contained) res.push_back(points[m].id);
        if (l == r) return;
        int pos = check_position(points[m], s, t, axis);
        if (pos != -1) search(s, t, res, l, m - 1, axis ^ 1);
        if (pos != 1) search(s, t, res, m + 1, r, axis ^ 1);
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