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:heavy_check_mark: test/yosupo/dynamic_tree_subtree_add_subtree_sum.test.cpp

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#define PROBLEM \

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

#include "../../tree/euler_tour_tree.hpp"
using namespace std;

using ll = long long;

struct AddRangeMonoid {
    using T = pair<ll, int>;
    static T id() { return {0, 0}; }
    static T op(T a, T b) { return {a.first + b.first, a.second + b.second}; }

struct AddMonoid {
    using T = ll;
    static T id() { return 0; }
    static T op(T a, T b) { return a + b; }

pair<ll, int> act(pair<ll, int> a, ll b) {
    return {a.first + a.second * b, a.second};

int main() {

    int N, Q;
    cin >> N >> Q;
    EulerTourTree<AddRangeMonoid, AddMonoid, act> ett(N);
    for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
        int a;
        cin >> a;
        ett.update(i, {a, 1});
    for (int i = 0; i < N - 1; ++i) {
        int u, v;
        cin >> u >> v;, v);
    while (Q--) {
        int t;
        cin >> t;
        if (t == 0) {
            int u, v, w, x;
            cin >> u >> v >> w >> x;
            ett.cut(u, v);
  , x);
        } else if (t == 1) {
            int v, p, x;
            cin >> v >> p >> x;
            ett.update(v, p, x);
        } else {
            int v, p;
            cin >> v >> p;
            cout << ett.fold(v, p).first << "\n";
#line 1 "test/yosupo/dynamic_tree_subtree_add_subtree_sum.test.cpp"
#define PROBLEM \

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

#line 7 "tree/euler_tour_tree.hpp"

template <typename M, typename O,
          typename M::T (*act)(typename M::T, typename O::T)>
class EulerTourTree {
    using T = M::T;
    using E = O::T;

    EulerTourTree() = default;
    explicit EulerTourTree(int n) {
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            ptr[i][i] = std::make_shared<Node>(i, i);

    void link(int u, int v) {
        assert(!same(u, v));
        auto tu = reroot(get_node(u, u));
        auto tv = reroot(get_node(v, v));
        join(join(tu, get_node(u, v)), join(tv, get_node(v, u)));

    void cut(int u, int v) {
        assert(ptr[u].find(v) != ptr[u].end());
        auto [a, b, c] = split(get_node(u, v), get_node(v, u));
        join(a, c);

    bool same(int u, int v) { return same(get_node(u, u), get_node(v, v)); }

    T get(int v) {
        auto t = get_node(v, v);
        return t->val;

    void update(int v, const T& x) {
        auto t = get_node(v, v);
        t->val = x;

    void update(int v, int p, const E& x) {
        cut(p, v);
        auto t = get_node(v, v);
        t->lazy = O::op(t->lazy, x);
        link(p, v);

    T fold(int v, int p = -1) {
        if (p != -1) cut(p, v);
        auto t = get_node(v, v);
        T ret = t->sum;
        if (p != -1) link(p, v);
        return ret;

    struct Node;
    using node_ptr = std::shared_ptr<Node>;

    struct Node {
        node_ptr ch[2] = {nullptr, nullptr};
        node_ptr par = nullptr;
        int from, to, sz;
        T val = M::id(), sum = M::id();
        E lazy = O::id();
        Node(int from, int to) : from(from), to(to), sz(from == to) {}

    std::vector<std::unordered_map<int, node_ptr>> ptr;

    node_ptr get_node(int u, int v) {
        if (ptr[u].find(v) == ptr[u].end())
            ptr[u][v] = std::make_shared<Node>(u, v);
        return ptr[u][v];

    static node_ptr root(node_ptr t) {
        if (!t) return nullptr;
        while (t->par) t = t->par;
        return t;

    static bool same(node_ptr s, node_ptr t) {
        if (s) splay(s);
        if (t) splay(t);
        return root(s) == root(t);

    static node_ptr reroot(node_ptr t) {
        auto s = split(t);
        return join(s.second, s.first);

    // splay tree

    static int size(const node_ptr& t) { return t ? t->sz : 0; }

    static node_ptr recalc(const node_ptr& t) {
        if (!t) return t;
        t->sz = size(t->ch[0]) + (t->from == t->to) + size(t->ch[1]);
        t->sum = t->val;
        if (t->ch[0]) t->sum = M::op(t->ch[0]->sum, t->sum);
        if (t->ch[1]) t->sum = M::op(t->sum, t->ch[1]->sum);
        return t;

    static void push(const node_ptr& t) {
        if (t->lazy != O::id()) {
            t->val = act(t->val, t->lazy);
            if (t->ch[0]) {
                t->ch[0]->lazy = O::op(t->ch[0]->lazy, t->lazy);
                t->ch[0]->sum = act(t->ch[0]->sum, t->lazy);
            if (t->ch[1]) {
                t->ch[1]->lazy = O::op(t->ch[1]->lazy, t->lazy);
                t->ch[1]->sum = act(t->ch[1]->sum, t->lazy);
            t->lazy = O::id();

    static node_ptr join(node_ptr l, node_ptr r) {
        if (!l) return r;
        if (!r) return l;
        while (l->ch[1]) l = l->ch[1];
        l->ch[1] = r;
        r->par = l;
        return recalc(l);

    static std::pair<node_ptr, node_ptr> split(node_ptr t) {
        auto s = t->ch[0];
        t->ch[0] = nullptr;
        if (s) s->par = nullptr;
        return {s, recalc(t)};

    static std::pair<node_ptr, node_ptr> split2(node_ptr t) {
        auto l = t->ch[0];
        auto r = t->ch[1];
        t->ch[0] = nullptr;
        if (l) l->par = nullptr;
        t->ch[1] = nullptr;
        if (r) r->par = nullptr;
        return {l, r};

    static std::tuple<node_ptr, node_ptr, node_ptr> split(node_ptr s,
                                                          node_ptr t) {
        auto [a, b] = split2(s);
        if (same(a, t)) {
            auto [c, d] = split2(t);
            return {c, d, b};
        } else {
            auto [c, d] = split2(t);
            return {a, c, d};

    static void rotate(node_ptr t, bool b) {
        node_ptr p = t->par, g = p->par;
        p->ch[1 - b] = t->ch[b];
        if (p->ch[1 - b]) t->ch[b]->par = p;
        t->ch[b] = p;
        p->par = t;
        t->par = g;
        if (t->par) {
            if (g->ch[0] == p)
                g->ch[0] = t;
                g->ch[1] = t;

    static void splay(node_ptr t) {
        while (t->par) {
            auto p = t->par, g = p->par;
            if (!g) {
                rotate(t, p->ch[0] == t);
            } else {
                bool b = g->ch[0] == p;
                if (p->ch[1 - b] == t) {
                    rotate(p, b);
                    rotate(t, b);
                } else {
                    rotate(t, 1 - b);
                    rotate(t, b);
#line 7 "test/yosupo/dynamic_tree_subtree_add_subtree_sum.test.cpp"
using namespace std;

using ll = long long;

struct AddRangeMonoid {
    using T = pair<ll, int>;
    static T id() { return {0, 0}; }
    static T op(T a, T b) { return {a.first + b.first, a.second + b.second}; }

struct AddMonoid {
    using T = ll;
    static T id() { return 0; }
    static T op(T a, T b) { return a + b; }

pair<ll, int> act(pair<ll, int> a, ll b) {
    return {a.first + a.second * b, a.second};

int main() {

    int N, Q;
    cin >> N >> Q;
    EulerTourTree<AddRangeMonoid, AddMonoid, act> ett(N);
    for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
        int a;
        cin >> a;
        ett.update(i, {a, 1});
    for (int i = 0; i < N - 1; ++i) {
        int u, v;
        cin >> u >> v;, v);
    while (Q--) {
        int t;
        cin >> t;
        if (t == 0) {
            int u, v, w, x;
            cin >> u >> v >> w >> x;
            ett.cut(u, v);
  , x);
        } else if (t == 1) {
            int v, p, x;
            cin >> v >> p >> x;
            ett.update(v, p, x);
        } else {
            int v, p;
            cin >> v >> p;
            cout << ett.fold(v, p).first << "\n";
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