sotanishy's competitive programming library

sotanishy's code snippets for competitive programming

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:heavy_check_mark: Rerooting


全方位木DP (rerooting) は,木において,各頂点を根としたときの木DPの値を求めるアルゴリズムである.

DPは $dp_v = g(f(dp_{c_1}, e_1) * \dots * f(dp_{c_k}, e_k), v)$ という形の遷移で表されるとする.

空間計算量: $O(n)$

Template Parameters



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#pragma once
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

template <typename M, typename Cost,
          typename M::T (*apply_edge)(typename M::T, int, int, Cost),
          typename M::T (*apply_vertex)(typename M::T, int)>
class Rerooting {
    using T = M::T;

    explicit Rerooting(int n) : G(n) {}

    void add_edge(int u, int v, Cost c) {
        G[u].emplace_back(v, c);
        G[v].emplace_back(u, c);

    std::vector<T> run() {
        dp_sub.resize(G.size(), M::id());
        dfs_sub(0, -1);
        dfs_all(0, -1, M::id());
        return dp_all;

    std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<int, Cost>>> G;
    std::vector<T> dp_sub, dp_all;

    void dfs_sub(int v, int p) {
        for (auto [c, cost] : G[v]) {
            if (c == p) continue;
            dfs_sub(c, v);
            dp_sub[v] = M::op(dp_sub[v], apply_edge(dp_sub[c], v, c, cost));
        dp_sub[v] = apply_vertex(dp_sub[v], v);

    void dfs_all(int v, int p, const T& val) {
        std::vector<T> ds = {val};
        for (auto [c, cost] : G[v]) {
            if (c == p) continue;
            ds.push_back(apply_edge(dp_sub[c], v, c, cost));
        int n = ds.size();
        std::vector<T> head(n + 1, M::id()), tail(n + 1, M::id());
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) head[i + 1] = M::op(head[i], ds[i]);
        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) tail[i] = M::op(ds[i], tail[i + 1]);
        dp_all[v] = apply_vertex(head[n], v);
        int k = 1;
        for (auto [c, cost] : G[v]) {
            if (c == p) continue;
            dfs_all(c, v,
                    apply_edge(apply_vertex(M::op(head[k], tail[k + 1]), v), c,
                               v, cost));
#line 2 "tree/rerooting.hpp"
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

template <typename M, typename Cost,
          typename M::T (*apply_edge)(typename M::T, int, int, Cost),
          typename M::T (*apply_vertex)(typename M::T, int)>
class Rerooting {
    using T = M::T;

    explicit Rerooting(int n) : G(n) {}

    void add_edge(int u, int v, Cost c) {
        G[u].emplace_back(v, c);
        G[v].emplace_back(u, c);

    std::vector<T> run() {
        dp_sub.resize(G.size(), M::id());
        dfs_sub(0, -1);
        dfs_all(0, -1, M::id());
        return dp_all;

    std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<int, Cost>>> G;
    std::vector<T> dp_sub, dp_all;

    void dfs_sub(int v, int p) {
        for (auto [c, cost] : G[v]) {
            if (c == p) continue;
            dfs_sub(c, v);
            dp_sub[v] = M::op(dp_sub[v], apply_edge(dp_sub[c], v, c, cost));
        dp_sub[v] = apply_vertex(dp_sub[v], v);

    void dfs_all(int v, int p, const T& val) {
        std::vector<T> ds = {val};
        for (auto [c, cost] : G[v]) {
            if (c == p) continue;
            ds.push_back(apply_edge(dp_sub[c], v, c, cost));
        int n = ds.size();
        std::vector<T> head(n + 1, M::id()), tail(n + 1, M::id());
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) head[i + 1] = M::op(head[i], ds[i]);
        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) tail[i] = M::op(ds[i], tail[i + 1]);
        dp_all[v] = apply_vertex(head[n], v);
        int k = 1;
        for (auto [c, cost] : G[v]) {
            if (c == p) continue;
            dfs_all(c, v,
                    apply_edge(apply_vertex(M::op(head[k], tail[k + 1]), v), c,
                               v, cost));
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